First activity: Think you have a good memory? Then take this little Short Term Memory Test . Also, test your memory for pictures with this Short Term Question 1. Write down how you did. Second Activity: Simon says, "Play These Games!" to test your memory. Play SIMON SAYS Game 2 Question 2: Write down how you did. Third Activity How good is your memory for faces? Find out with the Face Memory Test. Click on the question marks to cycle through the facial features. Face Memory Test - Version 2 Question 3: Write down how you did on this one. Fourth Activity STOP!!! Only one of you will do this as you will be experimenting on your partner! False Memories Sometimes your brain makes up its own memories. Try to "implant" a memory by asking people to remember the words on list 1. Wait about five minutes, then probe their memory by asking them which words on list 2 they remember. List 1: read, pages, letters, s